Thursday, October 2, 2008

Goodbye to Sevilla

1. At dinner tonight we learned that the horn players and drummers from the other night actually were practicing for Semana Santa. Apparently, they start practicing when they are very young, and then THEY JUST DON’T STOP. Ever.

2. Also at dinner, we asked for tap water to drink. I hadn't known the term for this, but my friend said it was "agua de grifa." Thus, I asked the waiter for agua de grifa.

"Not here," he said, smiling a little too widely. Red flag.
"What did I just say?" I asked him (he spoke fairly good English).
"Marijuana water."

Note: The correct term is "agua de grifo."

3. The Plaza de España is muy muy bonita:

4. Mis chicas Sevillanas: Patra, Colleen, y yo

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