Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wouldn't it be lovering

I've often rolled my eyes at the poor English blazoned on Spaniards' t-shirts. Then recently I noticed one t-shirt that I thought was an inadvertently clever mistake. The t-shirt says, "Think Green," in large letters and underneath it has an alternate 3 R's: reduce, refuse, recycle. I've seen the t-shirt enough times now, though, to think that "refuse" was intentional. Either way, I approve.

But I saw one sweatshirt that takes the cake in that it's so absolutely bizarre you can't even imagine what message someone was trying to get across. I wrote it down because it was impossible to remember the sequence of words. Here, I give it to you verbatim: "Ever body lovering her so we all love."


Mackey said...

My question is, does "refuse" stand for turning down stuff you don't need, or just throwing out trash?

Part of me really wishes it were the latter.

Jenna Laffin said...

Haha, oh man, I didn't even think about the double entendre! I was only imagining the former...

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