I arrived in the United States a month ago, and was immediately taken aback at how strangely long and rectangular our currency is, how uniform in color. I also realized I no longer had to equip myself with specialized vocabulary before asking for help (in the O'Hare airport I began to think of all the necessary words for upgrading my ticket until I remembered that I could just--incredible!--use English). But soon enough I got used to the sound of English on the street, the possibility of running into a friend at a cafe who I hadn't seen in 5 years, the prevalence of high fructose corn syrup. Also, the children I now work with are helping to erase the weird sense I developed that all young humans speak Spanish fluently and English only marginally.
There are several stories that I wanted to post to this blog and never got around to writing, such as Easter Sunday when Arcos let two bulls loose through its streets (tentative title: Hallelujah, it's Running Men). Perhaps I'll get to them someday soon--more for my own benefit of recording everything than yours, my loyal audience. But for now my life is already carrying me quickly into a new phase and Spain is starting to seem more unreal, more distant. On to the next frontier.
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