Friday, February 13, 2009

I love Arcos in the springtime

In Arcos, as in most of southern Spain, there are 5 seasons: Fall from Oct-Nov; Winter from Dec-Jan; Spring from Feb-April; Summer in May, June, and Sept; and Unbearable Heat in July and August. I am lucky in that I will experience all these seasons except UH, which I designate as such only from stories of heat waves at 4 in the morning upwards of 120 degrees Fahrenheit. I am also lucky in that, being February, Patra and I have decided that spring has officially arrived.

Spring is unmistakable, though the name of the month we're in catches me by surprise (I think now of the snow storm that canceled classes at Dartmouth on Valentine's just two years ago; my Valentine's this year will be considerably warmer). The air is calm, birds and bugs have returned, laundry dries within a few hours. Laundry is, now, my way of classifying the weather: calculating variables such as cloud cover, length of daylight, strength of the sun's heat, wind force (can't be too windy; two weeks ago the wind was so strong it blew down the line I'd just hung my clothes on), moisture content in the air, likeliness of rain. Over the past few months--the winter months--laundry was an infrequent possibility. Now I sit on my terrace for hours, storks passing by overhead, bright banners of laundry drying on terraces below...yes, spring has definitely arrived.

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